Feng Shui wedding
The perfect wedding ceremony is the dream of any girl who is preparing to go under the crown. A wedding is an important event in the life of a young couple, in its planning every detail plays a role and there can be no trifles. The competent approach to the organization of the wedding – here is the key to a happy family life after the solemn vows and the end of the day, filled with fun, smiles, gifts, a string of relatives, guests and friends. That’s what most brides think. A special role in the pre-wedding days begins to play superstitions, omens and instructions from wise people. What is the Feng Shui wedding date for the coming year 2023? How to calculate it correctly and how to conduct a wedding according to Feng Shui in the year of the Black Water Rabbit?
How to choose a Feng Shui wedding date?
According to the oriental worldview, the wedding ceremony is not an ordinary celebration. It is a landmark event that binds the lives of two people together. One of the most important stages of preparation for the wedding, is to determine the right date for the future celebration. The happiness and future family life of the newlyweds depends on the right choice. Someone chooses a wedding date, someone checks the wedding horoscope, in this article we will talk about the traditions of Feng Shui.
However, it is necessary to remember that determining the right date is not as easy as it might seem to you at first sight. It is necessary to understand deeply the teachings, to penetrate the wisdom of the East, as well as to carefully analyze the information received about the future spouses. That is why, even if there are some schemes that predict the auspicious dates for marriages, it is not easy to organize everything on your own, and it is better to listen to the recommendations of a specialist in Feng Shui. He will be able to give accurate advice concerning the date, and to choose the place for the ceremony.
What to consider when choosing
Signs of the newlywed couple. Ideally, provided the couple has the ability to wait a long time, it would be a good idea to start the choice of the solemn date with the establishment of the year, which will be a guarantee of future happiness. The years are divided into groups of three signs: Dragon, Monkey and Rat; Bull, Snake and Rooster; Horse, Dog and Tiger; Goat, Pig and Rabbit. For example, a couple could set a celebration date in the year of the Monkey or Rat if one of them was born in the year of the Dragon. Similarly, it is possible to set the most convenient year for the ceremony for each sign.
Choice of day. Choosing the day for the ceremony will be easier because there are so many options. Feng Shui considers suitable dates for the formation of the family: the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 12th and 21st of any month. The couple who tie their fates on these days will be happy. In addition, an excellent solution would be to hold a ceremony on the 8th or 9th of the month. They are considered attributes of infinity and fulfillment of wishes. One should appoint a day on which the number or their sum would fit, such as 19, 26, 18, etc.

Sha days. It is undesirable to conduct the ceremony between eclipses of the sun, as the flow of life energy on these days is very unstable, hence, the relationship between the young will also be unstable. It is also advisable to avoid Sha days, which are filled with hostile energies. If you ignore this advice, arguments, delays, unnecessary and unpleasant expenses will become an integral part of your family life. Do not give up hope and in the case when the date of the holiday is already set, and it turned out that it falls on the day of Sha – choosing the right time for the ceremony will correct the situation. However, determining the right time by your own efforts is even more difficult. Only an expert will take into account all the essential points and indicate the hour and minute that can eliminate the harm caused by the unfavorable day of Sha.
As you can see, there is relatively little advice concerning the solemn date according to the teachings. It is necessary to understand the worldview of the inhabitants of the East, and to follow the recommendations of the teachings will not be very difficult.
How to celebrate a wedding according to Feng Shui?
As you know, a wedding brings not only great happiness, but also a lot of trouble. The couple-to-be will have many problems to solve, from the napkin pattern to the date of the celebration. But the problems of the newlyweds do not end with the choice of the date. In addition, in order for everything to go perfectly, it is necessary to find the right place. This is a problem that is difficult to handle without having some knowledge about the perfect wedding venue. For this, there are guidelines that will make it easy to find options that meet the teachings.
Water. The first and very important rule for choosing a wedding venue: the presence of a water source. You don’t have to run out and look for a restaurant by a waterfall, a lake, or with a scenic view of the local river. A fountain or a small artificial stream will suffice.
Light. The room itself is better to choose light and spacious. Poor lighting in the hall, massive beams, corners that the light does not reach and a low ceiling – this is all a list of things that prevent the accumulation of positive energy, and therefore it is unacceptable. The best solution is to have unobtrusive, soft lighting. Candles will get rid of the dark corners and will be a wonderful addition to the ceremony. On the contrary, clocks should be avoided.
Room furnishings. When you are done with the choice of place and room, there is another question: how to furnish the room. Here, an uninformed person also will have a hard time, because there are many options for decorating the wedding hall, so that everyone will remember. Here, the main thing is not to go overboard, but do not worry too much, as always, come to the aid of advice Feng Shui. Conciseness and good taste are the companions of decor. Do not clutter the room with a bunch of decor and other interior items. The spaciousness of the room should be noticeable, in addition to the many small details will also prevent a positive energy to linger on your holiday. It is also better to avoid sharp corners.
The table of the newlyweds. The decoration of the newlyweds’ table should be unobtrusively symmetrical. To do this, you can use paired elements. For example, identical glasses tied with a single ribbon or candles standing at the same distance from the center of the table.
Choosing a bride’s dress
It’s time to talk about the choice of the bride’s festive dress. Most girls consider it a much more important attribute than choosing the right place and day for the wedding. After all, every girl has an image in her head of the very dress that will be the most important detail in the wedding ceremony. More important than the dress may be, only the groom.
The white dress. A childhood dream of many girls, but, unfortunately, it is unlikely to be a good choice. Eastern wisdom says that white carries the energy of anxiety, which is not a wedding emotion. With this in mind, an excellent choice would be a champagne-colored outfit, not inferior in solemnity to the traditional white dress.
Red dress. The positive energy is attracted to the red color, but not every bride will dare such an unusual option. By the way, do not rush to get a completely scarlet outfit, if you want to do everything according to Feng Shui. The problem will be solved by a couple of bright accessories that complement the image: a bouquet, a belt or gloves of red hue.
The wedding bouquet. The selection of the bouquet will not do without following the rules. It is considered part of not only the bride’s image, but also of the ceremony itself, so pay as much attention to it as to the other components of the marriage ceremony. Here it is important to remember not only about the color that attracts good luck, but also that each flower has a corresponding to a certain energy value. For example, in a flower arrangement, peonies speak of lasting feelings, and chrysanthemums speak of a happy life together. Roses, a favorite of all brides, represent love itself. Therefore, to attract good luck and love at the same time, you need to make a bouquet of only red roses. But the best solution for the bride will, of course, be to make a floral arrangement with flowers that match her wishes. You will get a kind of formula for happiness.
The newlyweds will have to try hard to arrange the wedding according to all the rules of Eastern teachings. The attention to details is important here: any of them may play an important role in the future family life of the spouses. By following simple tips, the bride can organize a wedding that will attract the maximum amount of prosperity and happiness.