Feng Shui pictures: where to hang and where to put them
Today I want to dedicate myself to an important topic: Feng Shui photos. It is very important to know that some pictures are better to put in front of the public, some are recommended to hang on the wall, and some should not be used at all. Which ones should be used where?
Feng Shui photos in the home: basic rules
So today I want to talk about how to properly place portraits around the house, namely where to hang photos according to feng shui in the house.
The first thing to do is to approach the selection of photos seriously. On the wall there is no place where you are in a depressed state, or not in great shape, or not at their best time … even if in principle all the photos have succeeded and you all like it, you subconsciously, looking at him, will time and again come back to those difficult times in life. (Doctrine gurus generally advise to get rid of unsuccessful photos at once). So choose the best, brightest, most positive photos of the happiest moments of your life. With children, with your loved one, vacation photos, summer photos, filled with life and sunshine.
Where to hang feng shui photos in the house
Careful about the location of photos on the wall: according to feng shui, the best place for family photos will be the living room. Some people like to hang family photos in the hallway, but in fact subconsciously it betrays a dismissive attitude toward their family. After all, the corridor, the hallway is a place where people do not stay for long. Hanging pictures will pass quickly, without stopping to look. And family photos deserve to be admired.
So we choose a living room wall, or a shelf, located in a well-lit place. For example, in front of the sofa.
Should it be just pictures of yourself or your family?
Not necessarily. If you want to activate the Glory or Wealth Zone, put up portraits of people who could set an example for you. People you admire.
If the area of creativity, children – hang pictures of beautiful children, playing babies, you can even picture ethereal creatures (elves, fairies) – but be sure to positive!
According to feng shui location on the wall pictures of mountains in the nursery or office is unfavorable: the image of mountains can block the flow of energy.
In the bedroom, feng shui pictures are undesirable. Unless it is a picture of your happy married couple or wedding photos filled with love.
If you are still single and dreaming of finding true love, then hang pictures of couples in love, hugging, holding hands, walking in romantic places…in general, help the universe to hear your request!
Pictures of the dead
One more important point about pictures of the dead. No matter how much you love your deceased loved ones, refrain from hanging their portraits on the wall. I foresee objections – “It’s a memory!” I agree, you can’t forget, but the best place to keep the memories of people who have passed away is in your heart. If you really want to keep portraits of the deceased – put them in a separate folder, but do not hang on the wall.

Can I hang photos next to clocks?
Yes, as long as the clock works. There are such frames for photos together with a clock, and many people doubt whether or not it is possible to hang their faces or relatives with this walking mechanism, there is nothing wrong with it, only the clock should be corrected – not rushed and even more importantly not set aside, not standing, but walking correctly.
Frames for photos
Frames for photos are also an important point. Of course, they must fit in with the general style of the interior smile and, in addition, they should not be too massive, pretentious. Anyway the main thing is the picture itself, not the frame. Ideal option – wood, natural or painted in green or white color.
Many people like to put portraits of their favorite husbands, wives or children on the desktop. Choose for this the right corner of the desktop – this is just the sector responsible for relationships with others.
Now you know what should be the correct location of your photos on the wall in your home according to feng shui. Perhaps it’s time to go through the house and fix what needs to be changed…?